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Landlord Login

The "Off-Campus Housing Database" will be transitioning to a new application in the near future and landlord login has been disabled. Information on the new "Off-Campus Housing Database" will be made available soon.

As the user, be advised, the University of Rhode Island accepts no responsibility for any actions arising from advertised property listings. The University of Rhode Island does not represent, accept, approve or disapprove of this property nor investigates, endorses or guarantees the suitability, quality, safety, condition, accuracy, reliability or functionality of property listings posted by users or those responding to any listing. The University of Rhode Island makes no representation or warranties of any kind that may serve as a basis for holding the University of Rhode Island liable, under any circumstances, for any consequence of the use and information found on this website. The University of Rhode Island recommends that users of this website confirm the information found in each property listing with the contact person for the property listing before taking any action in reliance on the database information. We are not involved in the actual transaction between landlords and students. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety or legality of the advertised properties, the truth or accuracy of the listings, or the ability of landlord to offer rental housing to candidates. You assume and acknowledge all risks associated with others with whom you come in contact through this website. In no event shall the University of Rhode Island be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from the use or inability to use this web site and material, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, or any other legal theory.